DP University Recognition

The IB Diploma Programme is recognized as the gold standard for university entrance and offers a better pathway into top-100 universities worldwide than any other program in the world. Top universities demonstrate preference to IB graduates, because they are more likely to finish their degree, they are more likely to add to the research work of the university, and they are more likely to be active members of the university communities.

All the International Baccalaureate Programmes, especially the Diploma Programme (DP), enjoy the highest level of respect and recognition among higher education institutions, and students succeeding in the IB programmes often get admissions-related benefits, course credits, and scholarships at many universities.

“IB is well known to us for its excellent preparations. Success in an IB program correlates well with success at Harvard. We are always pleased to see the credentials of the IB Diploma Programme on the transcript.” - Marlyn McGrath Lewis (Director of Undergraduate Admission), Harvard University

Source http://cedarridgeib.weebly.com/recognition-of-the-ib-diploma.html

“The IB is held in high esteem by universities world-wide and students who complete the IB Diploma Program (DP) are more likely to enrol at top universities. Students who attend university after completing the IBDP often say that they feel completely equipped for the challenges they encounter and are likely very successful in future life.” - The American International School, Vienna – Austria

Source https://world-schools.com/whats-the-recognition-of-ib-programmes